
Where to buy paid Tailwind CSS templates and themes?

October 27, 2020

As you may notice, Tailwind CSS framework starts becoming more popular among the developer community for creating website templates like landing pages and personal portfolios. It's really a modern alternative to Bootstrap and took a different approach to solve the styling issue in web development.

As a developer myself and want to use Tailwind CSS for my website and my projects, I wanted to find and buy Tailwind CSS templates. Indeed, I don't want to lose my time to implement a template from scratch and I save this time to focus on my product.

With a paid Tailwind CSS theme, you usually get clean and modern landing pages quickly.

Here is a list of websites where you can download Tailwind template.

Creative Designs Guru

Creative Designs Guru screenshot

After googling several hours, I figured out the Tailwind CSS ecosystem is pretty young. The paid template offering is poor and limited.

Lately, I have spent my spare time creating React Templates for landing page. All templates are built with Tailwind CSS Templates.

It includes everything you need to build beautiful landing pages for your products or services. Made in a modular way with reusable components.

Themes Forest

Themes Forest marketplace screenshot

A famous marketplace for templates and themes. Not only for Tailwind CSS, but also for you find classic HTML templates, Wordpress and Bootstrap themes. An extremely large collection of templates to create your website where you can buy everything related to the design for your business.

In conclusion

Tailwind CSS is a recent and modern perfect for creating website templates in 2020. It has totally changed the paradigm for styling websites. It's the end of moving your design component one pixel by one pixel.

With Tailwind, you need to apply CSS classes to your HTML element and you are stopping writing CSS rules. In my opinion, it has totally changed the way to work as a frontend developer in a good way.

In the next articles, I'll share my experience with writing Tailwind CSS template for landing pages. I'll write tutorials and blog posts on how to implement a navigation bar, a hero, a pricing card, etc. Stay tuned.

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